The Foundation of Innovative Initiatives at the EXPOCHEM 2013 Trade Exhibition

The Foundation of Innovative Initiatives, as the Regional Contact Point in the Science Link project took part in the EXPOCHEM 2013 Trade Exhibition and International Conference, which this year addressed the theme of “Integrating chemistry in Poland”. The event took place between February 28th and March 1st in Katowice’s Spodek Conference Centre. EXPOCHEM targets a wide range of entrepreneurs, investors and stakeholders of the chemical industry.




This year’s trade exhibition features stakeholders from Poland and abroad representing :

  • the chemical processing industry
  • the petrochemical industry,
  • the fertilizer industry,
  • the synthetic material and fibre industry,
  • universities, research institutes and laboratories,
  • associations, trade associations and trade media


The event was a great opportunity to present the Science Link project, its objectives and main outputs. Science Link offers expertise as well as access to experimental research infrastructure at synchrotron and neutron research institutions, which assist beneficiaries in solving challenges which concern:

  • molecular characteristics and microstructural materials
  • understanding catalytic reactions in chemical processes
  • research into and development of new substances and products
  • chemical structure of powders, colloids and nanomaterials


The approach and the possibilities offered to businesses through the project met with considerable interest on the part of both visitors and fellow exhibitors.