ProBio Malopolska

International promotion of the economic potential of the BioRegion MAŁOPOLSKA


The project is co-financed from the Regional Operational Programme of the Malopolska Region for 2014-2020

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Project leader: Foundation LifeScience Klaster

Project partners:

  • Jagiellonian Centre of Innovation Ltd
  • Foundation of Innovative Initiative

Project budget: 3 165 412,50 zł

Project duration: 30 months


The project is a part of the joint strategy prepared and implemented by Klaster LifeScience Kraków. The long term strategy aim is to build up “Bio-region Malopolska as a leader among bio-regions in Central and Eastern Europe having the ability to compete and cooperate with developed regions in Europe and the World”. In long term perspective this goal will be reached through existing effective innovation ecosystem in the area of life sciences in Malopolska. The key element of this ecosystem, having the greatest growth potential on a global scale, is SME sector. The project refers directly to the opportunities and challenges of the SME sector, which is characterized by high dynamics of change and development and a high degree of risk and high operation cost of starting a business.