Science link

SCIENCE LINK – Network between world-leading Cluster of large-scale Research Infrastructure of Photon and Neutron Sources and Users fostering Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the Baltic Sea Region



About the project:

Project duration: 2011 – 2014

Project budget: 3 932 430 €

Project coordinator: DESY (Germany)

No. of project partners: 18


The purpose of the Science Link project is to support and encourage innovation and entrepreneurship in the Baltic Sea Region by facilitating access to and use of large-scale research infrastructure of photon and neutron sources.

Problem to be tackled:

Given the geographically uneven distribution of large-scale research infrastructure (RI) in the Baltic Sea Region today, the number of industrial users of the RI from the eastern part of the region is far too small. The number of industrial users which are small and medium enterprises is also rather low.

There is thus a clear need to overcome barriers which are preventing access to RI.

The solution:

Science Link has set up a network of contact points in the Baltic Sea Region which offer comprehensive information about existing and upcoming RIs. Project partners provide advice and support to small and medium enterprises to ensure that they can find the right type of instrument and service tailored to their specific needs.

Our role in SCIENCE LINK

FII together with the Institute of Physics of the Polish Academy of Science in Warsaw runs the Regional Contact Point for Poland.

The purpose of the Regional Contact Point is to make it easier for Polish businesses to take advantage of world-class RIs located in the Baltic Sea Region, and this is done through a combination of administrative and technical support for enterprises.



Regional Contact Point

The Foundation of Innovative Initiatives

Krzysztof Zieliński tel.: + 48 661 109 674
