The Public Conference Open Data and Digital Innovation of the Project Digital Baltic was held on 16 October 2014 at the Kossak Hotel in Krakow. Foundation of Innovative Initiatives co-organized this meeting.

More than 50 people participated in and networked with representatives of local governments, business, NGOs from the Baltic countries: Poland, Sweden, Norway, Lithuania, Estonia and Germany. The participants gave a diverse view on why it is important for governments and organizations to Open Up data to spur innovation.

Three key notes Cecilia Westström – Senior Advisor at Statistics Sweden, Alexander Wyka – Enterprise Architect and Wojciech Dworakowski – IT security consultant and the Digital Baltic partners presented inspiring examples of good practice and the benefits of using open data with information technology.

The partners of the project also presented the findings from the four regional Open Space meetings and draw the conclusion that the Open Space Metodology is a good method to spur innovation in group consisting of different actors.

An interesting discussion among the participants of the conference was moderated by Paweł Świeboda – CEO of the foundation demosEUROPA, who led the meeting.
Presentations from this event will be available on the project website Digital Baltic.




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